During fashion week you can see different looks on eye makeup to express more the character of the clothing line being presented. It comes in different motif and statements depending on the creation of the make up artist as instructed by the fashion designer. It is matched with the outfit and the whole clothing line that gives the complete character of the fashion being presented.

BEAUTY DARE: Bold Eyeshadow
Saturated hues in an array of shades spotted during some recent runway fashion. It has a full subtle eye makeup based on a rainbow connection inspired. With the emphasis of the high check bone that gives the eyes pop out more.

Red eye make up is a difficult transition makeup for real life. Usually red eye is associated with someone who just had a good cry. If you are dark-skinned, you could pull off a true scarlet or even try a tone in the ruby range. To adapt this eye shadow color create a cat-eye look with burgundy brown that can go with it effortlessly.

Not the usual eye color choice for eye shadow as orange color is associated with home decor to nail polish. Orange would work for green or blue eyes though and look for the opposite hue on the color wheel to make your eyes pop out more. Orange color is flattering, brightening ones complexion.

For blue eyes, yellow can work perfectly well using the golden shimmer powder. If you want to emphasize more try using the yellow pencil but be sure to ground the poppy hue by lining eyes with a black or deep brown eyeliner. Then you can add now the yellow shadow on your eyelids. The shimmering yellow gold does given a dreamy eyes and good choice for night out.

From the bright orange to the light yellow, here comes the green eye shadow that does brings back the 70s fashion eye makeup. This color is a very good choice for brown eyes. Choose the emerald green and make sure you define the lid first with a black liner. The tone is deep and rich and it has a hint of shimmer to give a soulful look eyes.